• Submission

Abstract submission

Share your research findings, lessons learnt and experiences: call for abstracts!

We invite you to submit an abstract for an oral or poster presentation and/or workshop on the key topics.

Please submit your abstracts here: https://express.converia.de/frontend/index.php?sub=1783

The submission deadline is 14.03.25. The notification of acceptance will be sent out until 15.05.2025.

Submission guidelines:

  • Abstracts must be submitted in English
  • Figures, tables and illustrations may not be included in the abstract
  • Abstract Title Length: max. 25 words
  • Abstract Body Length: max. 300 words
  • Keywords: up to 5 keywords may be named for your abstract
  • If you would like to submit an abstract for a workshop, please also provide the following information: maximum number of participants; need for materials and room requirements; time requirements